The Tragedy at Cambria



The Tragedy at Cambria, a three-act play written in rhyming iambic pentameter, tells a story of love, deception, and power. In the medieval kingdom of Cambria, aging King John faces a grave decision. His forebearers created extremely strict laws regarding unwed pregnancy, and now a sixteen-year-old girl, Plain Jane, is guilty of being with child. Either Jane or the baby must die.


93 pages


February 2023



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This is a lovely, witty play. I particularly enjoyed several unexpected twists in the story!

Amazon Customer Unexpected twists

I read Tragedy at Cambria on the recommendation of a friend, taking a break from my usual detective mysteries and military histories. (There was an omen: the first ever use of armor was during World War One at Cambrai.) I stumbled onto a well written play with a powerful twisty plotline. Lyon's wordsmithing, turn of phrase, and word selection are superb. The dialog flows and kept me thoroughly engaged. The characters were alive in print, and I hope that they will see the stage.

John Czarzasty Serendipitous break from my usual reading fare

The writing style was interesting and there were several surprises in the story. I look forward to reading Ms. Lyons' next book!

Dianne Andersen I enjoyed reading this book!

I enjoyed reading this play. It was well-written, fast-paced, and interesting with a twist at the end. I look forward to reading more from this talented author.

SL Great Play

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